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Gas Supply System

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Chemical Supply System

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Hook up integrated solution

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Clean Process System

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Quality Oriented / Customer First / Realistic Innovation / Pluralism And Win-win


Quality Oriented / Customer First / Realistic Innovation / Pluralism And Win-win

  • 項目洽談

            Wuxi Evergrand Electronic Scientific Technology Co.,Ltd., as a national level "specialized, refined, and innovative" small giant enterprise, adheres to technological innovation and continuously expands technological research and development, aiming to create a complete and advanced comprehensive solution for high-purity and clean process systems. With more precise, efficient, and comprehensive business capabilities, it provides customers with product research and development, planning and design, construction and implementation, operation and maintenance capabilities, fully meeting their needs in purity control, process control, safety control, and other aspects.

            Wuxi Evergrand Electronic Scientific Technology Co.,Ltd., established in 2010 with a registered capital of 120 million yuan, is a national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprise. As a comprehensive solution service provider for the process medium supply system and process env

  • 14Years
    Service experience
  • 266+
    Cooperative clients
  • 1800+Items
    Successful projects


Quality Oriented / Customer First / Realistic Innovation / Pluralism And Win-win


Quality Oriented / Customer First / Realistic Innovation / Pluralism And Win-win

  • Chairman he of Hangzhou Zhongxin wafer semiconductor Co., Ltd. and his delegation visited Wuxi Evergrande electronics

    On October 24, 2021, chairman he of Hangzhou Zhongxin wafer semiconductor Co., Ltd. and his delegati...

  • The Management Committee of Liyuan Economic Development Zone

    On February 22, 2021, the Management Committee of Liyuan Economic Development Zone in Wuxi, Jiangsu ...

  • School enterprise friendship for development and win win coo

    ——Wuxi Evergrand Electronic Scientific Technology Co.,Ltd. and Fenghuang vocational secondary scho...

  • Charity donation ceremony of "core liver baby program"

    On October 29, 2020, the core liver baby project donation instrument jointly organized by SMIC inter...

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